
Early Mornings

Daryl here - my first official post on the family blog. It's early in the morning and the family is still sleeping - a wonderful time for peace and reflection... I guess I've held off adding to this blog for a while due to my busy schedule and the fact that I don't have time to think much less pontificate about life and it's intricacies. But from time to time I'll add an entry just to feel like I'm part of things...

This morning my thoughts turn to Maslow, Abraham Maslow that is, and his Hierarchy of Needs. The image to the left shows Maslow's theory that suggests everyone must have certain needs met in order to move up to a higher level of "being." He suggested that a person cannot be any higher on the pyramid than his or her met needs will allow. For example, someone whose safety needs are not met will be unable to develop his or her esteem needs.

Before I bore you to death, I'll get to the point... It occurred to me this morning as I pulled my thoughts together, that blogging is most often an activity that people participate in when developing belonging, esteem or self-actualization. Assuming most bloggers are not overly focused on their physiological and/or safety needs, we can assume most bloggers are probably looking for one of three things: community (belonging), acceptance (esteem) or a better understanding or him or herself (self-actualization).

Since the majority of my friends have taken up blogging, I think I'll try to analyze which of the three needs they are attempting to meet (just joking). As for me, I'm not really sure why I do it. Tell you what, I'll think about it and get back with you...