
No More Training Wheels for Us!

Tyler Learns to Ride His Bike from Daryl McMullen on Vimeo.

I cannot believe this day has come. He is only 5 and just decided that he was done with training wheels and ready to ride his bike. I helped him about 3 times in the last few weeks and then he got on his bike today and just took off. He can even get himself started without help! I am becoming more and more aware of just how fast he is growing up, but I must admit I am really happy that we are totally done with training wheels. Let the long family bike rides begin...well once we get Daryl a bike :)


Happy 9th Birthday Allison

The last year in single digits, I cannot believe it. You were our first and there were days that I thought you would never grow up. There were days that I thought you would never be independent. There were days I thought the fits would never stop. There were days that I thought I can't take crying anymore. Those days, those thoughts are now gone. Now I think how is it that she barely needs me anymore, how is it that she wants to go play with her friends all the time, how is it that the last 9 years have gone by this fast. You went from being my tiny little baby girl who needed me for everything, to a beautiful young girl who is starting the pulling away process. I just hope that I am ready to let go!
You are in 3rd grade this year and have Susan Lestinsky as your teacher again. You had her last year too and you absolutely love her! I worked with her before you were born and am so glad that she is your teacher. She has been great for you in many ways, she stretches you academically and has also helped you become your own person. Last year you went from being Allison to Allie, because Susan gave you the option of what you wanted to be called and you chose Allie. We had always called you Allison, but you are now Allie in almost every situation. You still love school, though you also love being home in the summer with no schedule. Some of your favorite subjects right now are art, music and science. We have also found this past year that you love reading mysteries, you are spending about an hour everyday reading right now. You are a great student and you strive for perfection in school work. As much as this is a great thing it is also a hard thing at times too. You get upset if you miss more than a few problems on a page. The tears flow and the frustration comes. I have tried in every way I know how to help you through this. You know that you aren't perfect and that no one expects you to be, but there is still that part of you that is not okay with anything less than perfection. One of reasons you love to be at school is because of your friends. All of your best friends are in your class right now, Abby C., Rebecca M., Hailey S. and a few others. You are one of those kids who has a few really good friends and that is who you spend your time with.
You have been involved in a lot of different things this past year. In the Spring you played MSA soccer and got on a great team. You have now moved with this team and are playing soccer for the Echo Academy. This experience has been great for you in that you knew none of the girls on your team and have now become friends with all of them. It has also taken you up to the next level in soccer. As always you rise to the occasion and have done great, even though you still get so nervous before your games. You also started piano lessons in January this year. You have sort of a love/hate relationship with piano. Once you know a song and can play it well you love it, but when you are learning something new and difficult you hate it. You also did ice skating, swimming lessons and girl scouts this year. This summer you went to Springhill Camp for the first time and are begging to go back. You spent 5 nights away from us, but you had your BFF, Abby, with you so all was good. You also learned how to water ski this summer. It took us quite a few tries, but you were determined and finally got up. You still dream of being a rock star or singer and you still hope to be like Miley Cyrus (we are actually going to see her in concert in November). You and I also started the talk this year about body changes and low and behold this summer I started noticing some of those changes in you, I sure hope I am ready for this :) As I look back over this past year I realize that you are no longer a little girl, you are now a beautiful young lady.
This year you have become more independent than ever, I am already starting to feel like our relationship is changing and I don't like it (but I know it is necessary). You have your own thoughts and opinions and once you have your mind made up about things you don't budge, but you also don't like to disappoint or hurt others. You are still very sensitive about things and can be in tears because someone talked to you in a certain tone or looked at you in the wrong way. You also need and want things to be fair, it frustrates you to no end when things aren't fair (we have tried to tell you that life isn't fair, but you don't want to believe us). As much as you love to be with friends and other people (I think you would be at a sleep over every night of the week if I let you) you also love to have our family together. You love and look forward to our family nights and don't like it when our family isn't all home at night. You also love to spend time with your Papa, he holds a special place in your heart. One of the things I love the most about you Allie is how big your heart is and how well you love others.
I know that when God created you that he had a plan and purpose for your life sweetheart and I cannot wait to see what it all entails. God has given you a heart that loves well and deeply and because of this I can totally see you in some sort of helping profession someday. All I know Allie is that no matter what you do or where life takes you that your dad and I will always be your biggest fans. We will always love you no matter what, I tell you all the time now and it is true, there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. My prayer for you sweetie is that you love God with all you have. That you trust in Him and follow Him no matter what. Always remember that He will never leave you or forsake you and that He loves you more than you know. You have asked Jesus into your heart and you love to hear stories about Him, I pray that never changes. I am so lucky that God has allowed me to be your mom. I love you Allison Lynn more than you know, I cannot imagine my life without you!

All my love,



Happy 5th Birthday Tyler

Tyler Ryan,

I cannot believe that you are 5 years old today, seriously where have these last 5 years gone. I can still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I remember seeing you for the first time, I remember being so scared when they couldn't get a good cry out of you and decided you needed to go to the NICU for awhile. I still remember seeing you in the NICU and thinking boy he is huge compared to the rest of the little ones in here. I still remember crying like crazy when we walked out of the hospital without you, you had to stay one extra night because of your collapsed lung at birth and now here we are 5 years later. I was so scared when I found out I was having a boy, because all I knew was girls, and I didn't think I would know what to do with you. Little did I know that you would hold such a special place in my heart.

Nana always used to tell me that there is just something special about little boys and their mom's and I never understood it till you came into my life and I saw the sweet natured boy that God created you to be. I never imagined my boy would be so sweet and loving, but that is you through and through. You used to be all about your mom, and even though that has changed recently you still tell me several times a day that you love me. You will just be sitting on my or your dad's lap and just out of the blue tell us you love us. You tell your sisters all the time how pretty they are or how cute they look. Anytime you see Jacob for the first time in awhile you walk up to him and just throw your arms around him. I love how affectionate you are and I hope that never changes.

This year has been a big year for you buddy. You have continued to grow like crazy and weigh has much as Rachel right now. You are our solid little dude! You can take Rachel down with no effort and with a little effort and you can also take Allison, which still amazes me. You love to rough house with us. You love it when the whole family wrestles together, you love to chase your dad around the house and try to tackle him and then we all end up in a dog pile in the middle of the family room. This year you started playing soccer, you played MSA in the spring and are playing Upwards now. When you started in the spring you would cry every time you had to go out on the field, but you very quickly become confident of yourself and by the end of the season your were our scoring machine. You took ice skating lessons last winter and can now skate on your own. This summer you did swimming lessons and we joined the pool again and by the end of the summer you were swimming totally on your own. You also learned how to do front flips off the diving board all on your own, your sisters have yet to accomplish that. During last school year you learned how to write your first and last name, I couldn't be prouder. You just started Pre-K at Mary Frank this year, you go to school every morning and absolutely love it. You love that you get to go to school everyday like your sisters. Another huge thing that happened for you this past year is that you no longer are in need of speech services, yahoo!!!!

You still love Ninja Turtles and love playing with your cars and trucks. I have found you several times recently in your room by yourself just playing with your cars. You also love to play on the computer and like your sisters have become addicted to Webkinz. You are completely self sufficient on the computer, you can log yourself in and actually at times show your sisters how to do different things. You still love to be with your best friends, Jacob C. and Carter R. You also love to play with Morgan R. and if I had to guess I think you may have a crush on her :) You love the times when you get to play with them. You have also made good friends at school and have started asking recently for play dates. Last school year you asked me for a play date with a girl and even told me that you would only go to her house for a little bit, my answer then and forever will be NO!!!! You get a little frustrated when your sisters are at friends and you are stuck at home :)

Tyler Ryan I cannot explain to you how much I love you, but one thing I can tell you is that God loves you even more than I do. I know that God has given you the loving, caring spirit you have for a reason. I know that God has a great plan for your life and I cannot wait to see what it is. Tyler, my prayer for you is that you will love God and others with everything you have. I pray that no matter what life brings that you will run after God with reckless abandon. Know that your dad and I will always be behind you and that no matter what choices and decisions you make in life that our love for you will never change. I am such a lucky mom to have your for a little boy and I thank God for that everyday.

Happy 5th Birthday sweetheart! I love you with all I am!!




My Passion

I have been thinking alot lately about the 3 gifts that God has given me in Allison, Rachel and Tyler. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but I didn't really have a clue what that meant. Of course I thought it would probably be all fun and games. Umm, if that were the case wouldn't we all have at least 5 or 6 kids? Once I became a mom I realized a few things. One, it wasn't all fun and games. Two, I never really knew love until that baby was put in my arms for the first time. Three, you will spend massive amounts of time trying to figure out how to be a better mom. And last but not least I realized raising kids is my passion.

What do you mean by that some people may ask? Other people might think well of course, any good mom would say that. For me parenting is something I take very seriously and to be honest it ticks me off when other other parents don't take it seriously. There is nothing that gets my blood boiling more than hearing about a child who has parents who just don't care. That is a soapbox I could on and on about, but will save that for another post :)

When I look at my kids I know there is no other job that is more important than being a parent. What does that mean for me? It means putting my relationship with God and Daryl before them. Daryl and I have regular date nights and do the kids complain about that sometimes? Yep! Our kids know and understand that mommy and daddy were together before they were born and we will be here when they leave the house, so in order for us to be better parents we spend time alone without them. It means the job I have to pay the bills, is just that, a J-O-B. I have made a commitment to myself and to my kids that my job will never come in the way of me being a mom first and foremost. The minute that happens is the same minute I will no longer have a job outside of the home. I have pretty strong opinions about this, but again we will save that for later. It means that I show my kids through my words and actions what "real" love looks like. One of the mantra's in our house is that no matter what you do our love for you will never change, but there are consequences for the choices you make. We have rules and guidelines that they are expected to follow. Some of them are for safety reasons and some of them are to build their character. I will discuss the reasons for these with them, but the rules themselves are not up for discussion. It also means that I am constantly looking to improve my parenting skills. I am not happy to stay where I am at as a mom. Some of the ways I do this is by surrounding myself with parents who have gone before me and parents who are in same stage as I am. There is something to be said for watching other people parent. I also read, watch and listen to things that will help me hone my skills as a parent. It means that I am constantly re-evaluating my parenting skills. I ask other people what I need to improve on. There are things other people can see from the outside that I can see from where I stand. All of these things take alot of time and attention, but my kids lives and well being are at stake.

I truly believe that someday I will stand before God and He will ask me what I did with the children He gave me. I know that God has placed this passion inside of me for a reason and it starts with my own kids for now.


Happy 7th Birthday Rachel Lauren.

Dear Rachel-

Where did the last 7 years go, you turned 7 years old a week ago and I cannot believe it. I can remember going to the hospital in the middle of the night to have you. From the moment you were born I was in love. Your were our second little girl and from the beginning you were the most laid back, happy girl. I can remember just walking around the house holding you and you would smile from ear to ear. You also from a very early age had the best expressions. You didn't even need to say anything, we could just look at your face and know exactly what you were thinking. Funny thing is that those expressions have not changed much in the last 7 years and it is one of the things that I love the most about you.

You just finished First grade at Mary Frank Elementary School with Mrs. Ziege. You loved First grade and loved your teacher. You made lots of new friends this year. Instead of having a few very close friends like your sister you are friends with everyone. You would come home everyday and would tell me about a new friend you had made. You still love to spend time with Abby and Jacob Callender and can't seem to get enough time with them. You also enjoyed playing with Meadow, Lydia, Hannah, Jillian, Laila, and many others. You also came home in the middle of the year talking about this boy named Josiah. You called him your boyfriend and said you had found the perfect boy to marry :) There was even talk that you held hands at one point and that he kissed your hand on the bus one day. Of course your mom had to remind you that we don't have boyfriends in First Grade. You love school and always looked forward to being there. You became a great reader this year and also loved art, you seem to have a knack for drawing that you must have gotten from your dad.

You played soccer last fall for Upwards and you are playing right now for MSA. You seem to like the sport okay, but the social part is what you enjoy most. You started taking piano lessons this year and I love listening to you play. You did ice skating lessons and continue to become a better skater every year. You also did swimming lessons this past year. You love to be in the pool or at the lake swimming. You are for sure my outside girl. You also BEGGED me this year to sign you up for Girl Scouts. I did and you loved it. You love to spend time with your friends, but you also love to spend time playing Barbies with Allison and playing Webkinz or anything else with Tyler. You also don't like it when we miss a family movie night. You always have to be snuggled up with someone, which I love.

There are so many things about you that I love Rach, but I think my favorite part is your personality. You have a personality that just doesn't stop.You come up with the funniest, cutest things all the time. The things you come up just crack us up sometimes. Your smile and laughter is contagious. You wear your emotions on your sleeve and we never have to guess how you are feeling. You are an absolute joy to be around and you have this way about you that just makes other people smile.

I know that God has great things planned for you life sweetheart. My prayer for you is that you will live life to the fullest and that you will run after God without abandon. I pray that you never let anyone change the person that God made you to be and that you will give God all you have in every aspect of your life. Keep your eyes focused on God and your feet pointed in the right direction. Love other people well Rach, for that is how others will know that you belong to Him. Your dad and I will always be here for you. No matter where life takes you we will always be your biggest fans and we will love and support you in every way we know how. Your love and joy for life has made me not only a better mom but a better person. I cannot wait to watch you grow into the beautiful girl that God created you to be.

I love you Rachel Lauren with all my heart!!



Sunshine State

I am headed to sunny Florida for 3 days with these girls, Becky and Jami. Why you may ask? To hang out, relax, talk, read, lay in the sun and just be for 3 days. No kids, no husbands, just the girls! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing better than spending time with my husband and kids, but I have learned that in order to be a better wife and mom I need this time away.
So with that said, see you when I am a little bit tanner :)


Wishing Summer Was Here

We took the kids to the park today for the first time this year. It was 50 some degrees and yet it still felt a little cold.

They had a blast though - just can't wait for summer to come...


Skating: It's In Their Blood

The kids have been doing skating lessons for a couple years now and I can definitely see how starting young makes a difference. Even Tyler (age 4) can skate fairly fast and is getting more cocky each time he's out there.

Allison - the "composed" skater. Already has the stride of a figure skater.

Rachel - the "wild child." She skates 100 miles an hour without fear.

Tyler - the "slider." He loves to skate fast and then slide on the ice.

I can't wait until next year. Tyler gets to do intro to hockey at the Ice Box!


Wii Boxing Fun

Just had to get a clip of Tyler and his Wii Boxing style.

Not sure what is up with the fancy footwork but he does seem to be successful a lot of the time.