
Happy 8th Birthday Rachel!!

I can't believe you are 8! Where have those 8 years gone Rach? I can literally remember the night you were born like it was yesterday! As I think back on the last 8 year years, one thing that stands out to me is that you were "you" from the very beginning. Your dad and I never had to guess how you were feeling as a little one, because your facial expressions always gave it away, and that is still true today. Your attitude is one of the things that I love the most about you! You are always making us laugh with your random comments and looks and I hope that never changes.
This past year you have grown so much. You just finished your 2nd grade year. Your teacher was Mrs. Seufert and you will have her again in 3rd grade. You loved her and grew so much academically this year. You also made some new friends this year and loved hanging out with Grace and Izzy in school. You still continue to be one of those kids that is friends with everyone and likes to hang out with different people. You played soccer and basketball this past year and liked them both. You are also still doing piano lessons (not always your favorite thing, but a must in my book) and participating in Girl Scouts. You continue to love to swim and be at Papa's lake. We tried to get you up on ski's last year and will try again this year. Some of your favorite things are catching insects of any type (right now you have a bunch of caterpillar's in a bug catcher sitting in the garage), playing with your friends, taking bike rides, climbing trees, playing American Girl dolls with your sister, reading to your brother, playing on the computer and watching movies together as a family. You LOVE to be together as a family and for that I am so grateful.
Rachel, I don't even have the right words to tell you how much I love you! You are constantly bringing a smile to my face and everyone else that knows you. Your love and enthusiasm for life shows in all that you do. Don't ever let anyone take away the joy you have for life sweetie, always keep that fun loving, go with the flow attitude. I know that God is going to do great things with your life and I am so glad that he is giving me a front row seat. My prayer for you sweet girl is that you always live life to it's fullest, that you never back down from what you know is right and that you follow hard after God with all that you do. No matter where life takes you or what decisions you make along the way, know that your dad and I will always be praying for you and will always be your number 1 fans! I am so glad I get to be your mom!
I love you with all my heart!
Love, Mom