
Tyler's Phrases

Here are some the the things Tyler says that just crack me up sometimes:

- huh, that's weird

- your jokin

- you're funny

- if you say so

- Carter Ruth (okay so that in itself is not so funny, but Tyler only calls Carter, Carter Ruth, never just Carter and even Carter sounds more like haha)

- I don't know

- naw, naw, naw (he sings this when he plays Allison's Hannah M. guitar)

- whatever

- school where my teacher gets me out of the car (he is going to 2 preschools right now and this is what he calls one of them)

- I am a happy boy!

- He has also been known to tell his friends that he has a big penis, yeah we all cracked up at that one!

- you like my big, big muscles

I love this stage when they are talking like crazy, but not all words are 100% clear, it is just so cute. I also love the fact that they say what is on their mind and there is no filter. of course I like it till one of them says something about someone they see that is true, but dosen't really need to be said outloud. Gotta love kids!



I have figured something out about one of our kids just recently. Now, I thought that this was one of her characteristics before but it is becoming very clear to me now that it is who she is going to be. Our eldest daughter, Allison, is becoming more perfectionist all the time. For those of you who know her father, the apple did not fall far from that tree. Yes, I do also have things that I like a certain way, but not sure that I would call myself a perfectionist.
There have been clues along the way that have helped me come to this conclusion, like when I send her and her sister up to clean their rooms, Allison CLEANS her room. She picks everything up and puts everything in its place. Her bed is made, she even runs her hand across the comforter to make sure it is smooth. Her dresser is neat and orderly, she has a drawer in her nightstand for books and a drawer in her dresser for all her American girl doll clothes. She even likes to organize her underwear drawer and put them in piles by colors. Rachel on the other hand, likes to clean her room by putting more stuff out on her dresser. When you ask her what she is doing, she will tell you that she is decorating and making it pretty and yes adding more clutter. Which by the way can tend to drive me CRAZY! She is also one who has been known to just shove stuff where it cannot be seen when you walk in, that must make it clean right?

The big clue though for me this year, has been Allison's school work. Almost everyday she comes home with papers they have worked on throughout the day. Some of the papers are ones they have done together in class and other ones are ones they have done on their own throughout the day. If she happens to miss one problem on those papers, it can send her to tears. As I would go through her stuff everyday I would talk to her about the ones she missed, so that I knew she was understanding what she did wrong. As soon as I brought up that she had missed one the tears would start. I have talked and talked to her about how it is okay to miss problems and that no one gets everything right. I have told her that all her dad and I expect out of her is that she does her best and when she gets something wrong that she learns from it. I cannot tell you how many times I had this conversation with her while there were tears flowing down her cheeks.

I will say it has gotten a little better and now when she comes home from school she will tell me right away if she missed any on her papers. I look through them and if I can tell that her teacher has gone over them with her then I just blow it off or I ask her if she understood why she got it wrong. The other thing that really gets her going is tests. She already worries about them the night before and asks us what happens if she gets her answers wrong. We try to reassure her and tell her that she will done fine. All I keep thinking through all of this, is she is in 1st grade! What in the world is going to happen when she is in middle school or high school? To be completely honest it kind of scares me.

As nice as it is to have that really clean room of hers, I sure don't want her living her life worrying about not being perfect! My hope is that Daryl and I can help her strive for excellence but also teach her how to learn from her mistakes and move on.


Family Night

I love Friday nights and the reason I love them is because they have become our family night. Daryl normally is home right on time, the house is normally clean, and it is the beginning of the weekend. We do dinner, which most of the time is more breakfast like foods, then clean the kitchen up together and then it is jammie time. All the kids and mom and dad sometimes too get pajamas on.

Once everyone is all comfy then it is time for some sort of treat. Last Friday night it was chocolate milkshakes, tonight it was popcorn. We then all retreat into the living room for movie night. Movie night has become a huge hit in our house. We all snuggle together, turn all the lights off and on comes some sort of kids movie. Last week it was Meet the Robinsons, this week it was Jungle Book. The kids absolutely love it and look forward to it all day.

Movie night is one of the ways that we spend quantity time with our kids in hopes that there will be moments of quality time that come out of it. I cannot begin to tell you how important it is to me that we are making it a priority to carve out quantity time with our kids. One very wise man (Dr. R. Mark Beeson) once said that quality time only comes with quantity time. You can't plan the quality time, it only comes with quantity time-and that you can plan.


Christmas Eve and Day Pictures 2007

Opening presents at my Sister's house on Christmas Eve.

More presents at Grandma Marques' house on Christmas Eve.

Santa came, Santa came!

Rachel and Tyler in their new sled!

Allison in the new sled, take a look at Rachel in the background, too funny!

Tyler with his new Diego backpack.

It was a Hannah Montana Christmas!

Rachel and Allison both got Ipods for Christmas, thanks to the discount from Aunt Katie!

Papa got Rachel a drum set,

and Allison a Hannah Montana guitar, he pretty much won the Papa of the year award!

Our new band, not pictured Tyler on the tambourines.

Papa got Tyler a new bike for Christmas!

Stocking fun, I LOVE stockings! My mom always put special things in our stockings.

Christmas 2007

As Christmas Vacation comes to an end, I thought it about time I blog about it. The kids go back to school tomorrow which is crazy. Daryl and I both had about 12 days home with the kids and it was awesome.
It all started on Christmas Eve when we attended Christmas Eve service at GCC (they knocked the ball out of the park this year), celebrated Christmas Eve with my sister and their families and then headed over to Grandma Marques' for a bit. We then came home and got ready for Santa. The kids could not have been more excited.

Christmas Day started about 8:30 am for us, when all the kids ended up in our bed. We started 2 new traditions this year. The first one was we decided that before we go downstairs and the chaos begins that we are going to read the Christmas Story out of the bible. So we did that and then made the kids wait at the top of the stairs while we got the cameras all ready, etc. They could barely stand it! The 2nd tradition we started was each person opens one gift at a time, that way everyone gets to see all the presents. My dad and brother came over about 9:30 am and we had breakfast with them and then opened more presents. It felt like it was presents for about 5 hours straight. Then mid-afternoon Daryl's sister and her family came over to hang out with us. Daryl's mom and dad were out of the Country this year for Christmas. The kids had a ton of fun hanging with their cousins and playing with all of their new toys. The Callender Family was supposed to come over, but we missed their phone call which was a bummer! Christmas night Allison and Rachel got the chance to spend the night with their cousins and they had a great time.

The day after Christmas we went ice skating up in St. Joe with the kids and Daryl's sister and her family. This is the second year we have done this and I think we need to make it a tradition. I was amazed at how well Allison is skating. We even got Ty on skates this year, he was a little unsure at first but by the time we left he was having fun.

Thursday we took the kids to a movie, dinner and then to the mall to do some after Christmas shopping. Friday we cleaned the house and went through all the toys in the basement and got rid of about 4 bags full of toys. Friday night we headed to Chi-town with our best friends to eat at PF Changs, all I can say is yum, yum, yum! Saturday was a typical day, hang out at home, go out to eat with friends and then go to church. Sunday, I spent the afternoon and early evening with Allison and Rachel shopping, we had a blast. Monday was New Year's Eve and we had our normal group along with Trent and Leah over. It was a ton of fun! New Year's Day we spent the day playing in the snow, sledding and taking down all the decorations. As much as I love the holidays, I love getting my house back to normal once they are over.

Our vacation then came to an end and it was back to work for Daryl and I, but at least it was a short week. We ended the kids vacation with having Christmas at Daryl's parents on Saturday and hosting Carter Ruth's Birthday party today. It was a great Christmas vacation. I have to admit it will be strange to not have all my kids with me all day, but I suppose school is important :)

Some pixs to follow in the next post!