
Bedwetting & Dishwashers

They say every day is an experience and I won't argue after this morning. Dr. Phil phrases it this way: You create your own experience... And while I had little control over either happening, I had total control over my reaction to the situations (thereby defining the experience).

It started in the morning as the girls were getting out of bed. My youngest girl stated matter-of-factly, "Daddy, why is my bed wet?"

When I explained that she must have wet the bed, she looked at me quizzically and acknowledged it was possible... Since her pajamas and underwear were wet, I knew it was more like a certainty...

In a previous post I made some comment about no two kids being alike, and this was just one more confirmation of that. Allison used to scream for fear of reprisal when she wet the bed. Rachel is obviously a little less concerned...

The next thing to hit the fan today was the dishwasher depositing water on our kitchen floor. Not that big a deal since its water right? Wrong. When there is a cup of water just lying around on the floor, people tend to notice. Socks get wet, the floor gets slippery and after all it's just abnormal...

So I took it all apart just to find out that nothing appeared wrong with it. Reassembled it and fired it up. More water on the floor.

So my goal for today is to create my own experience. Smiles instead of sorrow, a grin instead of a groan and for crying out load finding the humor instead of looking for another flowery word to express your frustration...