
Pumpkin Pie for All

It's that time of year again - the cool fall air, the leaves falling from the trees and pumpkins just dying to be carved up for Spook Day. As the Alpha Male in the house it falls on me to do the honors. The girls weren't much help - they just wanted to use markers on them when I was done... Needless to say, I didn't take a huge amount of time on each one. But I doubt the kids are old enough to understand that yet. Allison and Rachel took pretty good pictures with their pumpkins. Tyler on the other hand had to be propped and entertained just to get this one shot. Apparently he doesn't care for the pumpkins much.

And then there are the actual pumpkins. Not much to look at, but then I was carving with inferior cutlery... The The girls got the typical jack-o-lantern faces, but Tyler got the Spidey face (or at least as close as I could get it...)