
I Love Fridays

There is just something about the end of the week that makes me smile. When I worked full time it always signaled the end of the work week and two days off, no wonder I liked it so well. Once I quit working I still loved Fridays, it tended to be the day where I did what I wanted to do. It normally entailed lunch with my mom and then shopping and then home to watch some Oprah while waiting for my husband to get home. Things have changed a little in my life and unfortunately I seem to always have some work to finish up on, but I still like to make it a fun day. Today was no different. I joined some great friends, Becky and Jami, at Chick-fil-A for some really good chicken sandwiches and great conversation. There is just something about sitting around a table with just your girlfriends while the kids are off playing that just feels good.

The other thing I love about Fridays is knowing that my hubby will be home with us for two days. The girls count down the days during the week until daddy gets to stay home with us. I love spending two straight days hanging out as a family, going to church, and catching up with friends.

Oh yeah, I also get to sleep in on Saturdays ,daddy gets up with the kids and makes pancakes on Saturday mornings. Now that is something to look forward to...