
Date Night Rocks

Monday night Tammy and I took the kids over to the Callenders' house so we could have our date night. We have been alternating date nights (almost) weekly for the past year or more. It's a great time to get away from the stress of parenthood and reconnect in the more important relationship.

Needless to say, the typical is dinner and a movie. Call it the Indiana Initiative, the Mishawaka Modality or the South Bend Situation. Regardless, it just seems like the only thing to do in town.

Monday we broke the mold slightly. We did dinner at TGIF and did a little light shopping. Tammy took some things back to Kohls and Old Navy. I looked at some sweatshirts...

After that we went to B&N (that's Barnes & Noble for the book store challenged...). Here's what happened:

Daryl read:

  • CSS web design
  • RSS & Atom feeds
  • XML web design
  • Blogging with blogger
  • Other technical stuff...

Tammy read:

  • The latest Nicholas Sparks book
  • Thumbed through Wild at Heart
And that's what we did - nothing fancy - but there's nothing better than hanging out with your wife doing mundane things. It's the company that turns mundane activities into special memories. (I think I read that in a Nicholas Sparks book...)

: )