
A Offer Has Been Made

Oh yeah, you read that right. The house has been on the market now for 5 days and an offer has been made. You will never believe this, but the offer has been made by a couple who has not even walked through it. I came home on Wednesday late morning to find a couple peering through our windows and walking around our house. Thank goodness no one was home. Not sure if this is the same couple who made the offer but we are pretty confident. The first offer they made was way low, so we turned it down all together. They then came back with another offer yesterday and we counter offered. Here is the kicker, they want to close in 30 days, YIKES! Part of our counter offer was to close in 45.
They are coming again today to at least walk around it, yep that is what Leah, our agent, said. They are just asking to walk around the house, we think it has something to do with their culture. So we will see, our counter offer is good until 7pm tonight. Needless to say we will be spending all afternoon tomorrow walking through houses. I have to admit this is a little quick for me, I am on the verge of freaking out!
I'll keep you posted.