
The BlogWorthiness Rating Scale (BWRS)

So just for fun I thought I'd create a scale to measure how "blogworthy" an idea, event, picture, video (or anything else for that matter) really is. So here it is:

BlogWorthiness Rating Scale (BWRS)

Each rating is based on these four criteria (although not all four need to be present or significant in order to warrant the rating):
  • Significance: If the post appears significant or insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
  • Relevance: If the post is relevant or irrelevant to the reader.
  • Impact: If the post has the power to inspire/uplift the reader or if it is damaging/harmful to the reader.
  • Validity: If the post is fact, opinion or completely inaccurate.

Keep in mind, this is a work in progress...

10 Extreme: significance, relevance and potential to inspire (highly factual)

09 High: significance, relevance and potential to inspire

08 Moderate: significance, relevance and potential to inspire

07 Mild: significance, relevance and potential to inspire

06 Neutral: has no significant positive or negative qualities. There is no reason to enter the post, but no reason not to enter the post. Leans toward the positive (mostly opinion and speculative)

05 Neutral: has no significant positive or negative qualities. There is no reason to enter the post, but no reason not to enter the post. Leans toward the negative (mostly opinion and speculative)

04 Mild: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm

03 Moderate: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm

02 High: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm

01 Extreme: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm (could be completely inaccurate)