
The Beach is Calling Me

What a dilemma...it's dissociative at best. Rachel decided she would wear her summer sunglasses while also wearing her winter pajamas. Makes quite a statement and looks quite chic if you ask me...

Also, Daddy got to stay home today. Mommy has orientation for a new position at work and the kids were unable to hang out with their friends since they live at the "sicko house." Of course I can say that because it was my children that caused all of them (except Becky) to get the same thing...

It's weird sitting around the house in your pajamas all day (though I'm sure that's not what mommy does...) I'm trying to figure out what I can do in the house to be productive today. I've already made lunch, cleaned the kitchen, started the dishwasher, picked up after the kids and spent time on the computer (didn't think I'd pass that one up did you?).

The kids go down in 30 minutes - maybe I'll join them...