
I did it, I did it, I really really did it

As you probably read in the post from yesterday we spent part of the weekend at the lake. It was kind of a sad weekend, for it will probably be the last weekend we spend at the lake till next summer. I just love being there, it is so relaxing, peaceful and inspiring to me. I spent most of my growing up years there every weekend during the summer. I spent as much time as possible on the lake either tubing, skiing, or knee boarding. Before kids I was working on slaloming. I just could never get up on one ski. I spent many hours trying but it just never happened, so I just learned to drop one and then I was fine.
Well then kids came and I spent way too many summers pregnant and unable to do anything behind the boat. It has probably been 5 years since I have skied at all. I just don't seem to have the same energy that I did 5 years ago, yes I know I am getting old, and this fear creeps in that I may not be able to do it anymore. Well this weekend I just had to try. The water looked okay, not too rough, and I knew if I did not try this weekend I would be going on year 6 without skiing. So believe it or not, I got in the somewhat cold water, nervous as all get out. I got my skis on, had rope in hand and gave the go ahead. Before I knew what was happening I was up. Could it really be, I did not forget? I have to admit I was pretty pumped until about half way around the lake. It was at this point that I started to get really tired. I thought about just letting go of the rope, but no I was determined to make it all the way around the lake. About three quarters of the way around I am really sucking air and all I am thinking is "you can do it, you are almost there". I spent the rest of the way telling myself this, but I made it.
I have to admit it felt really good to know that I can still do it. Now maybe the next time I will have the energy to actually go out of the wake!