
Is It Really Worth the Pain?

This is a picture of garage sale preparation in progress. You're looking into our "already too small to be helpful" garage. Tammy is hard at work and I'm standing here with the camera in my hand. Needless to say that's about how helpful I've been - possibly because I don't share the same gusto for the project. I never grew up doing garage sales - I'm the type that prefers junking stuff (or giving it to charity) to avoid the hassle of actually interacting with complete strangers for hours on end just to ditch the stuff clogging the catacombs of our home.

However, Tammy really impresses me when she starts doing stuff like this. She gets so focused and won't let little setbacks keep things from going forward. Somehow she's found enough stuff to make this the biggest garage sale in history!

But my question remains the same: Is it really worth the pain? I guess we'll see...