
Sand + Water = Fun

We spent the 4th of July weekend at the lake and had tons of fun. The kids had lots of time to play in the water and sand. We had lots of good food to eat. We spent a day with family and got to see some relatives we only see a couple of times a year. Daryl got injured in the annual wiffle ball game. We spent a day with our friends. We played in the water, rode the jet ski and canoe and I even water skied, I had to prove to myself that I still had what it takes to do it. The kids stayed up way too late and as soon as they got up wanted to be in the water. Overall it was a great weekend and the kids are asking when we get to go back.

We are on our way

Allison practicing her swimming

Rachel swimming with her new goggles

Tyler contemplating the finer things in life

Allison doing some water ballet (I absolutely love this picture)

Rachel doing her sand pose

This girl along with Abby had sand in places that no girl should have sand, but boy did they have fun.

Don't ask me why but I never got the camera out on the day all of our friends were there, which totally bums me out but there is always next time. There were parts of the weekend that were hard, but overall it was a good time had by all.