
"The Perfect Day"

Yesterday was a absolutely perfect day. I was able to get away with the girls for part of the day. Becky, Jami, Pam (Beck's mom) and I headed up to St. Joe, MI. to the Venetian festival. We normally head up to the Venetian for the fireworks every year, but this year we decided to go up early and make a day of it. Originally it was supposed to be the girls and guys, but Adam and Daryl had to work and Todd was out of town, so it worked out that it was just the girls for the day and then Adam, Daryl and the Verduins headed up for the fireworks.

When we left it was 90 degrees and HOT. We figured we would be sweating like crazy and have to sit in the shade all day, but that was not the case. We got up there and it seemed cooler than it was when we left. We did some walking around, eating, walking around, eating, swimming, laying on the beach, walking around and eating some more. The weather was perfect, the water was warm and the company was great. It was so nice to just have some time to relax without kids and hang out with the girls. I am a true believer in taking time to just get away and relax without having to take care of the kids. It makes me a better mom to have that distance sometimes, I am refreshed and ready to jump back into motherhood with both feet. I also love the time to hang out with the girls. Don't get me wrong my favorite thing to do is spend alone time with my husband, but it is also nice sometimes to just hang with the girls and talk about girl things :) If you are a wife and a mother I highly recommend time away for yourself, I am a true believer that it makes you a better wife and mother.

The weather was great, the food was awesome, the fireworks were top notch, time with my friends was refreshing, laying next to my husband while watching fireworks was romantic, it was the PERFECT DAY!