
It Is That Time Again

Yes, it is that time again. Time for the winter Olympics to begin, 30 minutes and counting. I have been waiting all week for today. Everytime the Olympics are on Daryl and I spend way too much time in front of the TV. We basically put everything on hold for a few weeks and we spend every waking moment taking in as much as we can. I don't know what it is about the Olympics but I just love watching them. I can remember sitting in my dorm room in college watching the winter Olympics with my friends. We were watching ice skating and hoping that certain people would fall, so our favorites could take home the medals!
There is just something that happens to me as I watch Americans take home the gold and stand on the platform listening to our anthem play, it literally brings tears to my eyes sometimes. I think about how hard that athlete has worked for years and years to get to that point and then they get to stand in front of the world knowing all that hard work has paid off and knowing they are the best in the world. I cannot even imagine what that feels like! It makes me think about what it will be like to stand in front of God someday and hear Him say "Well done good and faithful servant", all your hard work has paid off and now you get to spend eternity with Me. What an awesome God we have!

Here we come Torino, Go USA!!!!!