
It Has Begun

The process has begun. It is a little nerve wracking, a little scary, very time consuming, but will be worth it all in the end. By the end of this month our plan is to have our house on the market. Yes, there will be a for sale sign in our front yard. YIKES!!!
I have spent the last month going through our house room by room purging and getting down to basics. This weekend the bathroom will be re-painted along with some touch up painting being done throughout the house. After that I plan to do a good cleaning, washing walls, pulling the bed out from against the wall and vacuuming, washing baseboards, etc. Let me tell you I am so not looking forward to that, cleaning is one of those things that I don't care too much for. After all that is done then the fun will be begin.
We have already met with Leah Hudson from Century 21 and she is getting the for sale sign ready as we speak. I have to say the whole process is a little scary. So many questions run through my head. How long will it take to sell the house? Will people like our house? Can I keep it "show ready"? Will we find a new house that we like? Will we be in our new house by the time Allison starts school? If we aren't then what do we do? These are just a few of the questions that run through my head almost everyday. The only reason we are moving is to get Allison into the PHM school system. I grew up in that system and have always said my kids will do the same and now that Allison will be in Kindergarten in the fall it is time to move.
It would be a lot easier to just stay in our house, it is big enough and all of our stuff is already here, but our priority is our children's education. I have always said I would move into a smaller house if that is what it took to get our children the education they deserve. The funny thing is that I never thought I would be as picky as I am about what elementary school they end up in, but hey my kids are going to have do well in school so that they can take care of me some day right :)
So here we come Granger or Mishawaka, the next 6 months should be interesting. I will keep you posted.