
Bless This Mess

So I started a little project last weekend - meant to help us sell our house. The bathroom is the main problem area in the house due to a small miscalculation on our part...

When we bought the house we repainted, and silly me thought it would be no big deal to use regular house paint in the bathroom. However, with no fan in there and the constant humidity, it became a breeding ground for nasty stuff (mold & mildew). We are constantly washing, bleaching and disinfecting to keep it looking presentable.

So this project was me fixing the problem by repainting with "Kitchen & Bath" specific paint (mold & mildew resistant - imagine that...).

The first picture is the mess I created in our bedroom while completing the project (Super Bowl Sunday, the Monday after and still not done). I have the ceiling to finish, the closet doors and caulking around the bathtub. Then I should be done...

Tyler did his best to help out by taking all the toilet paper off the roll so I could wipe up paint spills...