
Uninformed People Bother Me...

So this dialogue came to our attention quite a while ago, but it actually took me this long to respond. Over the past month or so I have been giving a lot of thought to the comments made here (along with corresponding threads) and to this flash movie (view before reading further...).

First, I understand the basic argument here is where to draw the line when it comes to the use of "worldly" content and practices in the church setting. And the continuum is fairly broad in this regard. There will be churches that stick with the pipe organs and those that incorporate a video clip from the latest Hollywood Blockbuster. But while we may debate the tactics, we should at least agree to be open-minded, honest and willing to understand the others intent instead of spreading rumors and sensationalizing something if we haven't actually experienced it for ourselves.

This is what led me to this post. I viewed the flash movie again the other day. It is entitled: The Church Growth Movie and the basic premise is that our church growth philosophy is to entertain people to fill the seats. Our new Megaplex philosophy keeps the numbers rising but the message is watered down to the point where it is "pointless" according to the movie.

So I thought I'd do a little compare and contrast so these folks will be better informed before any future post about the church they have never attended. Here are just a few of the differences I see between the "Megaplex" and the "Megachurch" I attend:
  • I have never been greeted by real and genuine people at the Megaplex.
  • I have never had someone help me with parking at the Megaplex.
  • I have never had a shuttle pick me up at my car in the rain so I didn't have to walk to the Megaplex.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that offered to take care of my children so I could pay attention during the "entertainment."
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that offered to help teach my children about the Bible, Jesus and how to live as a Christ-follower.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that suggested I become involved in helping others take steps toward God.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that had hundreds of people volunteering in key positions so that the "show" could go on.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where the entire focus was on the Bible, God, Jesus or some other component of the Christian lifestyle.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where they offered free classes to help people take next steps in their faith, financial responsibility, knowledge of the Bible, etc.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that encouraged me to put God before my wife, my wife before my children, and my family before my job.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where I was asked to make a decision about the person of Jesus Christ - to stand up in front of hundreds of other people and declare it publicly.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where people regularly give 10% of their earnings and where the money used to build the Megaplex comes from patrons that believe in its mission - not just donating out of public duty, peer pressure or the tax write-off.
  • I have never attended a Megaplex that had such an impact on a patron that he or she went home and made so many positive changes in his or her life that family and friends had a hard time recognizing them.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where people are encouraged to meet outside the Megaplex on a regular basis to build positive relationships, encourage each other and discuss the things learned at the Megaplex.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex that provided a support group for those helplessly chained to an addiction that is ruining his or her life.
  • I have never been to a Megaplex where I can sit next to a complete stranger that is a different gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class or intellectual level than me and we can be on the exact same page, want the exact same thing and have a desire to tell others about the incredible thing we have found.
  • And this is a partial list...

I don't have the time to try and incorporate every single incredible thing about our "Megachurch" into this one tiny little post. If you like what you've heard, simply attend a weekend service and see for yourself.