
I Need a Vacation

Things at work have been a little on the hectic side lately...Probably because I have been doing two jobs for the past month or two.

Here's my dilemma: I spend 5 straight days looking forward to the weekend and then 2 days preparing myself mentally for the next week. Unfortunately, this means I have a hard time relaxing and the family only gets half of me during the weekend.

I need a vacation!!!

The picture above is from the resort Tammy and I stayed at during our honeymoon. It is the Couples Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica (now with free wireless of course...) and it's the last truly awe-inspiring vacation I can remember. Tammy and I promised we would be back in five years but unfortunately (three kids later) we're on our way to year six without making it back.

I guess I just need to practice the art of living in the moment - taking things one day at a time and making the most of the time I have with family and friends.