
Are You a Moth or a Cockroach?

I was listening to a message on my way to work this morning (103.1 FM) when the speaker said something that made me think:

"We're either drawn to, or repelled by, the light of truth."

He described how some of us want to hear the good news and our hearts are in a place to accept the things God has for us. But that others really have no desire to know the truth about God. They may call themselves "Christians" and may do outward things to suggest that they believe, but on the inside the connection is broken.

So what does the moth and the cockroach have to do with anything? It should be pretty obvious!

The moth has an affinity for the light. It spends large amounts of time flying toward the light, landing near the light and simply being in the light. Sure we get annoyed when we come home at night and there is a swarm of moths surrounding the entrance to our homes. Too often as we're swatting at them, one will inadvertently wind up in the house. But most of us don't "hate" moths. We co-exist and think nothing of it.

The cockroach on the other hand sends chills up and down our spines. They hide out in the dark, damp places of the house and you never really know what they're up to. At night when you flip on the light, they scatter - looking for the closest shadow or crack in the wall leading back into darkness. Most people "hate" roaches and will do whatever it takes to have them killed, exterminated or banished to the far corners of the earth.

I'll resist the temptation to take this illustration any further, because I've already made my point. Each of us falls into one of the two categories. We're either comfortable being in the light, or we're doing everything possible to stay in the shadows.

So what are you - a moth or a cockroach?