I have really become aware this week that when my husband is going through a stressful time in his life that it directly impacts me. Okay so I know you are saying "no duh" but what I mean is that it feels like I am the one going through it. I have found myself all worked up this week because of what he is going through. This is really the first time that I have felt it this way. Of course there have been other times when he is stressed that I let it get to me and I react. But this is different, I don't feel like I am reacting I feel like I am feeling what he is feeling just on a different level.
Because of this particular situation I have found myself in constant conversation with God this week. Trying to understand what the purpose of this is, what we are supposed to be learning from this situation and where we are headed. At one point during my conversation I just had a sense that God was telling me "Trust Me". I remember coming out of that time with a little more peace. It was just the gentle reminder I needed that God is in control even when it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
The other thing it has made me more aware of is how God must feel about us. If what Daryl is going through is impacting me the way it is I can only imagine how it must impact God. I have heard that when we cry, God cries with us and this had made total sense to me this week. The reason I have felt this way this week is because of my deep love for my husband, so if God's love for him is deeper than mine then why would He not have the same feelings I have had. There are moments in my life where God just wows me and this week has been one of those.