
Exhausted - But Revived

So the move is finally over and all that's left is the unpacking. The house is in VERY good shape so there will be no late night painting marathons like in the last house. But we did find out about the "Granger water problems." We officially have the rust and the odor that comes with it. But we had the water expert out to the house and we should have that problem solved soon.

Furniture is late, but something had to be...

Hopefully we'll get some pictures up soon so everyone can feel at home with us.

A HUGE thanks out to the people that helped us move and set up rooms this past weekend - we couldn't have done it without you - seriously - we'd probably still be doing it...

Right now I'm blogging from a small western suburb of Chicago. I'm on a trip with a couple members of the communications team at GCC to visit the main office of our web design company [Aspire!One] We've had a great day brainstorming and will be heading home soon. Just thought I'd stop and give a quick update since it's been a while since I last blogged.
