
Window Washer

Yeah, I know it has been forever since I posted anything on this blog. I guess I have just been lazy or just too busy. Life seems to be going 100 miles and hour right now and I am afraid it isn't going to get better. Even though life has been crazy I was able to accomplish a project that I had been dreading doing but knew had to be done.
What was this project, you may ask? Well I spent the last 2 Sundays washing windows. Oh yeah doesn't that sound like fun. I started this project last Sunday and thought okay I will take one day and get all the windows done, uh that did not happen. It took me all afternoon to just do the windows downstairs. So I spent the afternoon today doing the windows upstairs. It is amazing how long it takes when you are cleaning the blinds, pulling the screens out and cleaning those and then cleaning the window sills and then finally cleaning the windows themselves. The window sills were disgusting, I am not sure how they got so dirty, but boy were they. The only nice thing about this project was that we have awesome windows that fold in so there was no going outside to clean windows.
As much as I hated this project I am glad it is done and I am glad that it won't need to be done for at least another year. All I can say is that I will be passing on the tradition that my mom started and one day this will be a great project for my kids to help me with. I'm thinking in another 5 years Allison can help. Then if I wait another couple years after that Allison and Rachel can take over the project all together....SWEET!!!!