
Happy 36th Birthday Daryl

Today my husband turned 36. I was tesing him earlier this week that he is now closer to 40 than 30. Of course I can still do this because I have a couple more years till I hit that point. One thing I love about him is that age does not matter, his response back to me was "who cares, it is just a number".
I try to do something special for him to celebrate his Birthday, last year I took him away for the weekend. This year it was more important for us to be at church because today is the 20th Anniversary of the church. So instead of going away for the weekend we got away for the night. The Callenders took our kids for the night and we did dinner, a movie, breakfast in the morning and some other things in between those times. Oh how I love married life! Tonight after church our best friends are coming over to celebrate his birthday and tomorrow we will celebrate with the kids. I love it when the whole weekend is all about him. Birthday's were a big deal in my house growing up and I want to continue that tradition in our house.
Just so you are aware, I have the best the husband on the planet. He is my best friend and the one I cannot wait to go to bed with at night and wake up next to in the morning. He does what needs to be done for our family and because of this we never go without. He is a awesome father who loves his children more than he loves himself and they adore him because of this. I am so lucky I married him, we have had 7 great married years together and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.
I love you hon!