
Apples, Steak, Rides & Fireworks

I'm typically not given to attending festivals or anything that resembles a fair for that matter. It just doesn't do it for me. But I was convinced to attend the Apple Festival in Niles, MI last week and I must say it was worth it just to see the kids eyes light up at the thought of having elephant ears, cotton candy and riding a few simple rides.

The adults went to indulge in the steak and potato phenomenon. But the kids had already been fed - so they stuck with the sweet stuff.

The kids rode the motorcycle ride (see pictures above) and then went through a Fun House type thing ($3 for 30 seconds). But all-in-all it was fun to see them happy.

The night finished up with a short and to the point episode of fireworks, some spitting rain and a quiet ride home - long live the Apple Festival!