6 years old, I cannot believe it! I can remember walking around the house with you when you were just baby thinking I have to have another one of these, she is just too cute and sweet. You were a such a sweet baby and you have grown into a sweet little girl. These last 6 years have flown by and I am so proud of all you have accomplished this year.
You just finished Kindergarten at Mary Frank Elementary this year. You were so excited to go and could not wait to ride the bus with your sister. You were in Kindergarten half day Monday through Friday and then also attended Kinderclub the other half of the day, 3 days a week. You had Mrs. Krieger as your teacher for Kindergarten and a slew of other teachers for Kinderclub. As much as you loved being gone all day and riding the bus to and home from school, you also loved the 2 days a week where I picked you up at 10:20 and we spent the rest of the day together. You made all sorts of new friends this year, though I think you played mostly with Lydia Bradford. She also rode the bus with you and lives in the neighborhood behind us. Though you played alot with her you would also come home and tell me about all your other friends. You are just one of those kids who makes friends easily and is friends with everyone, though I would still say that your best friends are Jacob and Abby.
This year you learned how to tie shoes, read, count to 110 by ones, fives and tens. You also learned about money and what each coin was worth. You became a great swimmer, learned how to ice skate completely on your own and also learned how to ride a two wheel bike (this was a tad after you Birthday). This year you participated in gymnastics, ice skating, soccer and poms camp at Penn last summer. I think one of the biggest things you learned this year was how to navigate friendships. We had many conversations during the school year about this or that person being mean to you and why they would do that and what you should do about it. You were always so perplexed by the fact that someone would be mean to you one day and then be nice to you the next. You also had to deal with the fact that Allison and Abby moved from the Penguin room at church into the Jungle room and you did not get to go with them. Your feelings were hurt and you were upset but you moved on pretty quickly.
Rachel one of the things that I love about you is your personality. You are so full of life and love and laughter. I cannot tell you how many times your dad and I have just looked at each other and started laughing about things you have done or said. You come up with the silliest, craziest things sometimes. For you there is no hiding your feelings, you can tell just by looking at you how you feel and I love that. You still love to snuggle with your dad and I and anytime we are sitting down to watch TV you are right beside us wanting to be on are laps. You love our family nights on Friday when we hang out and watch movies, you never let us forget that it is "family night". You are my petite, cute, cuddly, smart, silly, full of life little girl. There is not a day that goes by that you don't make me think of your Nana, you are her in a nutshell!
I cannot wait to see what the future hold for you Rachel Lauren. I know that God is going to do great things in your life. I pray all the time that you will follow after Him hard and that you will seek His will for your life everyday. Know that your dad and I will always be here for you, no matter what happens in your life. Our love for you will never change. I cannot wait to see the beautiful woman you turn into, but between now and then I am going to enjoy every minute I have with you as my "little girl".
I love you Rachel!