
Pure Utter Joy

Last Saturday Allison and I had a great day together. After much anticipation and waiting Allison was able to get her first American Girl doll. She has spent the last few months drooling over the catalogs and picking out just the right doll. Why you might ask did we wait so long to get her one? First off, I had decided that if we were going to spend that kind of money on a doll that they needed to be old enough to take care of it and understand that we don't write all over it or drag it through the dirt. So we decided that 7 would be the magical age.

We took off early in the morning with Becky, Abby, Becky's mom, Adam and Jacob for Chi-town. Jacob and Adam were headed to the Museum of Science and Industry for a boy day so we dropped them off and then headed downtown. It was so much fun to watch their faces as we walked up to the American Girl doll store. They just stood in front of it for a minute and let out squeals. We walked inside to find that 5,000 other people had decided to go to the store that day also. Okay so that might be a slight exaggeration, but there were seriously wall to wall people. We made our way into the "just like me" doll section, the girls had decided that was the kind of doll they wanted. They picked out the dolls that looked like themselves and then decided that they wanted to be able to hold their dolls like every other little girl in the store. So after paying for the dolls and taking them out of their boxes the girls made their way around the store to spend the money they had. Allison had Birthday money to spend. She was able to get 3 outfits for her doll, pajamas, jeans, shirt and shoes and a whole soccer outfit, complete with shin guards, a backpack and a doll size soccer ball.

After they made their purchases it was off to lunch in the Cafe right there in the store. I have to admit it was pretty cool. They had specials seats for the dolls so that they could sit right at the table with us. They started us off with mini cinnamon rolls, then it was fruit kabob's along with vegetables and pretzel bread. Our main dish then came which was followed up by a mini b-day cake (we were celebrating Abby and Allison's Birthdays) with a candle, chocolate mousse and a cookie, can you say sugar overload! After lunch we headed out of the store and walked downtown for a bit and then headed home.

I had a great time with Allison, it was fun to spend the day with her. I cannot wait till I get to do it all again with Rachel!