
Tyler's First Preschool Experience

Here is Tyler getting ready for his first preschool experience this week and he did a great job. Ty is going to Clay Church 2 times a week in the morning for 4 hours. I was so nervous about his first day. Knowing his personality I knew he would be really nervous in a new place without mom or dad or his sisters. Ty will stay just about anywhere as long as Allison and Rachel are with him, so I figured he would have a hard time without them.

We got to his room and he was fine until I told him that Allison and Rachel were leaving with me, then he clung to me like crazy. I told the teacher it was time and she took him and out we walked. They said minutes after we left he was fine. He has his best little buddy in his class with him, so I also knew that once Carter arrived he would be fine. He gets to eat lunch there and do all sorts of other fun stuff.

He is also going to be going to the preschool at Mary Frank starting in a couple of weeks. He will attend there 2 mornings a week also. This year will be all sorts of fun for Ty and a huge learning experience for him.