
9 months old today

Tyler Ryan McMullen is 9 months old today and I cannot believe it. Where does the time go, it seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hosiptal. What a joy he has been in our lives. I have to admit I was really nervous about having a boy. I remember asking Becky, "what do you do with a boy?" Of course at this point there really is not a lot of difference between him and the girls, except of course the parts. He started crawling about 2 weeks ago and then just this last weekend started pulling up to stand. Yesterday I found him on the second step. He seems to be doing the gross motor things much quicker than the girls did. Of course he has his sisters and Abby and Jacob to keep up with. He is such a lover boy, that is probably one of my favorite things about him. He loves to hug and give kisses (the full mouth kind) and just likes to be with you. Of course him wanting to be with you can cause problems at times, cause when he is not within eye shot of someone he thinks the world is ending and lets you know it. Funny how one of your favorite things can also be the thing that drives you the most crazy. I cannot wait to see what his personality is like and the man that he becomes. I know I know (Callenders) we have no pictures right now, we don't have a digital camera yet so we have to scan pictures in and Daryl has our scanner at work. I promise I will post a picture of this adorable little boy soon!