Dear Rachel-
Where did the last 7 years go, you turned 7 years old a week ago and I cannot believe it. I can remember going to the hospital in the middle of the night to have you. From the moment you were born I was in love. Your were our second little girl and from the beginning you were the most laid back, happy girl. I can remember just walking around the house holding you and you would smile from ear to ear. You also from a very early age had the best expressions. You didn't even need to say anything, we could just look at your face and know exactly what you were thinking. Funny thing is that those expressions have not changed much in the last 7 years and it is one of the things that I love the most about you.
You just finished First grade at Mary Frank Elementary School with Mrs. Ziege. You loved First grade and loved your teacher. You made lots of new friends this year. Instead of having a few very close friends like your sister you are friends with everyone. You would come home everyday and would tell me about a new friend you had made. You still love to spend time with Abby and Jacob Callender and can't seem to get enough time with them. You also enjoyed playing with Meadow, Lydia, Hannah, Jillian, Laila, and many others. You also came home in the middle of the year talking about this boy named Josiah. You called him your boyfriend and said you had found the perfect boy to marry :) There was even talk that you held hands at one point and that he kissed your hand on the bus one day. Of course your mom had to remind you that we don't have boyfriends in First Grade. You love school and always looked forward to being there. You became a great reader this year and also loved art, you seem to have a knack for drawing that you must have gotten from your dad.
You played soccer last fall for Upwards and you are playing right now for MSA. You seem to like the sport okay, but the social part is what you enjoy most. You started taking piano lessons this year and I love listening to you play. You did ice skating lessons and continue to become a better skater every year. You also did swimming lessons this past year. You love to be in the pool or at the lake swimming. You are for sure my outside girl. You also BEGGED me this year to sign you up for Girl Scouts. I did and you loved it. You love to spend time with your friends, but you also love to spend time playing Barbies with Allison and playing Webkinz or anything else with Tyler. You also don't like it when we miss a family movie night. You always have to be snuggled up with someone, which I love.
There are so many things about you that I love Rach, but I think my favorite part is your personality. You have a personality that just doesn't stop.You come up with the funniest, cutest things all the time. The things you come up just crack us up sometimes. Your smile and laughter is contagious. You wear your emotions on your sleeve and we never have to guess how you are feeling. You are an absolute joy to be around and you have this way about you that just makes other people smile.
I know that God has great things planned for you life sweetheart. My prayer for you is that you will live life to the fullest and that you will run after God without abandon. I pray that you never let anyone change the person that God made you to be and that you will give God all you have in every aspect of your life. Keep your eyes focused on God and your feet pointed in the right direction. Love other people well Rach, for that is how others will know that you belong to Him. Your dad and I will always be here for you. No matter where life takes you we will always be your biggest fans and we will love and support you in every way we know how. Your love and joy for life has made me not only a better mom but a better person. I cannot wait to watch you grow into the beautiful girl that God created you to be.
I love you Rachel Lauren with all my heart!!