

I was going back through our picture and video files the other day and ran across this. With the help of Windows Movie Maker I was able to pull together five or six clips and create a partial episode of CakeTV (also referred to as AllisonTV in the video).

I don't know how or where she got the idea - probably on TV - but I love the fact that she was able to conceptualize the entire project enough to break it out into a TV show.

The project was actually completed. She made her "Memory Cage" from beginning to end. It was an envelope type thing where you could store your task notes (things you need to do the next day). Leave it to my first born to come up with an organizational system.

This episode isn't completed. Ally was half way through when the batteries went bad on the little point and shoot camera she was using as a video camera. Unfortunately I didn't know what she was doing at the time or I would have changed the batteries and encouraged her to finish on tape.

Maybe in the future she'll do another one.