
Tyler's Phrases

Here are some the the things Tyler says that just crack me up sometimes:

- huh, that's weird

- your jokin

- you're funny

- if you say so

- Carter Ruth (okay so that in itself is not so funny, but Tyler only calls Carter, Carter Ruth, never just Carter and even Carter sounds more like haha)

- I don't know

- naw, naw, naw (he sings this when he plays Allison's Hannah M. guitar)

- whatever

- school where my teacher gets me out of the car (he is going to 2 preschools right now and this is what he calls one of them)

- I am a happy boy!

- He has also been known to tell his friends that he has a big penis, yeah we all cracked up at that one!

- you like my big, big muscles

I love this stage when they are talking like crazy, but not all words are 100% clear, it is just so cute. I also love the fact that they say what is on their mind and there is no filter. of course I like it till one of them says something about someone they see that is true, but dosen't really need to be said outloud. Gotta love kids!