
Happy 5th Birthday Rachel

My Fun Loving Rachel-
I cannot believe you are already 5. I was just telling your daddy last night that I remember your birth like it was yesterday. I remember going to the hospital and I remember holding you in my arms for the first time. I cannot begin to tell you the joy you have brought to our lives in the last 5 years. I truly cannot imagine my life without your smile and your attitude.
When I think about all the things you have accomplished this year I am absolutely amazed, you have matured so much in the last year. You just recently completed your second year of preschool. You attended pre-k at Clay United Methodist. When you started there I did not think you would be ready for Kindergarten the next fall, but boy did you surprise me. You started the year out sucking your fingers and using a blanket, you are now a little girl who has no blanket and no longer sucks her fingers. You just decided one day that you were done sucking your fingers and that was the end of it. You learned how to swim and ice skate this year, you can recognize and write all your numbers (0-20) and letters, you learned how to write your first and last name, you learned your address, phone number and learned how to spell some basic words. Your best friends at school were Kailey and Rachel K. Your teachers were Mrs. Riboni and Mrs. Kral. You loved going to school and you are now SO excited to go to Kindergarten in the fall.
You have tried many new things this year, you took dance lessons, ice skating lessons, gymnastics and also did Awana for the second year. One of my favorite memories with you this year, is when we went to Indianapolis during Spring Break to the indoor water park. You had such a good time with our family and the Callenders. On our last day there you decided that you wanted to try one of the big water slides, so you and I headed up there. I had prepped you on our way up that you had to do it by yourself and that you could not use a tube. You were a little hesitant part of the way up, but you did not want to give up. So down the slide I went and then waited for you at the bottom. I really was not sure that you would do it, but before I knew it there you were coming out of the slide with a big smile on your face. You then proceeded to do it 2 more times after that. You were the only little one in our family who was brave enough to try that big slide.
Rach, you are such a fun loving little girl. The expressions on your face are priceless, no one will ever have to guess how you are feeling. When you are happy your entire face lights up and others around you can't help but smile. When you are upset with someone, you make it very clear just by your facial expressions. You come up with and say the funniest things and you always have attitude behind it all. You love to be around other people and other people love to be around you. So many people say that you look and act just like your nana as a little girl. There are times that I look into your eyes and I see her. I only wish she could have been here to see you grow into the little girl that you are. If I had to describe you in one word it would be "passion". You are full of passion when you are happy and excited and full of passion when you are upset or mad. One of the things that I love about you among many is that you can get really upset with someone one moment and as soon as that has been worked out in your eyes all in the world is back to normal.
Don't ever forget Rachel Lauren how much your family loves you. You and Allison are becoming great friends. You love to play barbies, sing, dance and watch Hanna Montana together. I cannot wait to see how your relationship blossoms next year when you are both in school together. I truly hope someday that you and Allison are best friends. Tyler has become your little buddy this year. The two of you have spent every afternoon together and I am not sure what he will do without you next year. He loves to ride bikes with you and jump on you when you least expect it. He is the first one by your side when you are hurt and always adds a hug and kiss to the mix. Your dad and I love you more words than say. You still love to sit with us and cuddle and I am going to take every minute of that that I can get.
My prayer for you little girl is that you continue to live your life with passion. I pray that you follow after God with passion. I pray that you love your family and friends with passion. I know that God will place a passion in your life and I hope that you run after it without abandon. Know that your dad and I will always be here to support you and to love you with all that we have.
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
I love you,