
Introducing.......THE HIP HOP GIRLS

You many not know it, but Allison and Abby are now the HIP HOP GIRLS. You may be wondering how you become a HIP HOP GIRL, well you must wear a jean jacket buttoned up and you also must wear blue lipstick. There were some other rules also but I am not sure what they were.
It was too funny, the girls came home from school and got the makeup out and started putting on blue lipstick. Allison then put her jean jacket on to match Abby and before I knew it the HIP HOP GIRLS were formed. Now do they even know what HIP HOP is, I sure hope not!! Though when I was taking pictures of them I told them to act like the HIP HOPS GIRLS and Allison stuck her hand on her hip and cocked her head. Too funny!