
Happy 6th Birthday Allison Lynn

Today at 9:10am our eldest child turned 6 years old. Only 4 more years and she will be in the double digits, wow where does the time go. She started kindergarten this year and is loving every minute of it. She has even gotten a marriage proposal on the bus from a little boy named Nick, though she told me she had to wait till she was 6 to get married, so I guess this is the year :)
We are having her and Tyler's Birthday parties on Sunday, but she still got to do some of her favorite things today and spend it with some of her favorite people. They sang Happy Birthday to her at school today, she went to ballet, she got to pick what we had for dinner, Abby and Jacob spent the afternoon and evening with us, the kids had ice cream sundaes for dessert (Allison's had a candle it in), she got to watch a movie she has been wanting to see for awhile, she played outside with her friends and she got phone calls from some of her favorite people wishing her a Happy Birthday.
Like I said in Tyler's post, my goal is to write each of them a letter on their Birthdays so here it is or at least the beginning of it.

Allison Lynn-
Happy 6th Birthday Sweetheart. I cannot believe that you are already six. I still remember the day you were born and how little you were. From 5 pounds 6 ounces to 46 pounds, it is amazing what 6 years can do. I can remember looking at you when you were a baby wondering what you would be like as a little girl and now I find myself wondering what you will be like as a teenager. You have grown into the sweetest and cutest little girl I know, though of course I am totally biased. You have a heart of gold, right now you are growing out your hair so you can give it to people who do not have any hair. I am not sure where you came up with that idea, but you came home one day and told me what you wanted to do and you are determined to do it.
You are a typical first born, you want things a certain way and you want things to be right. You started kindergarten this fall and you love it. On thing that has been hard for you is that you are learning how to spell and sound words out and you get so frustrated when we won't just tell you how to spell a word. It has to be spelled exactly right or you are not happy. You love to learn and would never think of doing anything to get yourself in trouble with a teacher. You actually came home today from ballet and when I asked you how it was you told me it was "bad". When I asked you why you said because everyone was messing around and not paying attention, and you were totally irritated by this.
The older you get the more I see myself in you. You very easily get your feelings hurt, all it takes is me talking to you in a stern manner and the tears are flowing. You do at times get an attitude and I will hear the door to your room slam, wow do I remember myself doing the same things. Even though you look like your daddy, I look at you and see myself so many years ago. Your Nana always used to say that looking at you was like looking at me when I was your age, I cannot imagine what she would say now. I have found myself thinking about how proud of you your Nana would be, I just wish she was here to see you growing up.
One thing that I find very funny right now is you are very concerned about who you are going to marry and have asked me and your dad how you will know that you have found the right person and you are also scared to have your own children because it hurts to push them out. It still amazes me that at 6 you are already thinking about those things. You and Jacob Callender still have a little crush on each other depending on what day it is. All I know is that no matter who you end up with I pray that he will be your dream come true and that the two of you will serve God side by side for the rest of your lives.
I pray Allison that you will love God with all your heart and that you will follow after Him all the days of your life. I know that God has given you talents and a passion and I pray that you fling yourself into these things knowing the good plans God has for you. Know that no matter what happens to you in this life that your Dad and I will always be here loving and supporting you and that our home will always be a safe haven. Mistakes will be made along this journey called life, but you have a forgiving Father in Heaven and forgiving parents on earth.
I love you sweetheart with all my heart and soul,