
How Lucky Am I?

Just another chance to brag on my wife:
  • T: Tolerant - Mostly of my imperfections (yes I have them) but also able to tolerate it when people behave badly (especially the kids). Her patience amazes me.
  • A: Active - Loves to be doing stuff, hanging out with friends and being out of the house. For those of you that know me well, this is a good thing. If it were up to me, we would probably never leave the house...
  • M: Mature - Not mature as in "old" but mature in her ability to remain calm, think things through, make good decisions and confront me when I am not acting very "mature."
  • M: Maternal - I think there are some women that should never have children. Some don't have the desire, others don't have the ability and still others think they have the ability but are sadly mistaken. Tammy on the other hand was born to be a mom. She does such a good job raising our children. It scares me to think how things would have turned out if she lacked this ability...
  • E: Entertaining - If you don't have humor, you're in for a long and boring drive... (not sure if that's a direct quote so I'll just take the credit for it.) Tammy smiles a lot, laughs a lot and is always on the lookout for fun things to do. Without her, we'd watch way too much television...
  • L: Loving - Aside from being loved by God, there is nothing better than being loved by another person - in this case your spouse. Tammy goes out of her way to make me feel loved.
  • A: Advancing the Kingdom - Another thing I am thankful for is that Tammy loves God. She loves the church, she works with the high school ministry at the church and she loves to talk to the kids about Jesus. There is no doubt in my mind where her heart is and that is a very comforting thing.

Love you Tam!