
Christmas 2006

It has been a crazy couple of days, but we had a ton of fun. We started off our Christmas festivities on Saturday when we attended Christmas Eve service at GCC and then had a gift exchange with our best friends. The kids had a great time opening gifts as did the adults. Christmas Eve morning I hit the ground running. I had about half a dozen dishes to make for the holidays. I finished those up in just enough time to jump in the shower, get the kids ready and head to my sister's for dinner. We hung out there for awhile, opened presents, ate food and then it was time to head over to Grandma Marques' house for some more good times. More presents to open, dessert to be eaten, and then time to head for home. The kids did their traditional opening of Christmas pajamas, putting cookies out for Santa and then off to bed. We finished up some last minute details and then off to bed till the big day!

Believe it or not, when I woke up at 8:30am on Christmas morning the house was quiet, no one was up yet. A few minutes later Tyler woke up, then Rachel made her way in our room and at 9:00am we finally had to wake Allison up. I think we had to wake her up last year too. The kids opened up presents from Santa, then my dad and brother came over for breakfast and more opening of gifts. Before we knew it we had to leave to go to my cousins house to open presents and spend time with my mom's side of the family. We left there and headed to Berrien to have dinner with Daryl's side of the family. More presents, food and good times were had.

We spent the day today putting toys together and just letting the kids play all day! It was a great three days and since Daryl and I are on vacation this week I am looking forward to some much needed rest.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!


Hon - We're in Granger Now...

Yes that's my driveway and yes, those are cops!

At noon on Wednesday my wife calls me freaked out because she just saw a car fly through our yard and cops chasing with lights flashing. I quickly headed in that direction at 60+ mph to find one Chevrolet Trailblazer in our back yard butted up against a tree and two empty (and still running) police cars flanking my house!

Assuming there must be a chase in progress, I headed into the house to make sure everyone was okay. Tammy was in our closet with the two kids that were still home and seemed a bit concerned about coming downstairs. I assured her there was no one around, grabbed the camera and headed back outside (dumb I know - but this had to be the most bizarre thing that has happened to us...EVER!!! So I couldn't pass up the opportunity.)

[complete photo gallery here]

Well, after a while the police returned to fill us in on the case. Apparently a few boyz in the hood (I mean neighborhood...) decided to steal a car in South Bend and drop it off to someone at a church in Granger. Along the way, they were spotted and the police gave chase. So the boyz headed toward home (which just happens to be a few streets over from ours) and must have thought we had a secret shortcut behind our house. When they realized they were sadly mistaken, they abandoned car (SUV) and fled on foot - causing our fine men in brown to get an unexpected workout (of course they were "high-fiving" at the end of it - most action they've seen this year apparently...)

The police explained that they had three of the boyz and that one was headed down the toll road somewhere and would be picked up sooner rather than later.
Aside from a little grass damage, our house made it through the ordeal.
I guess on the one hand you need to thank God for His watch care over us but on the other hand you can't help but laugh at the criminal mindset...
Hon - we're in Granger now!


It's a Wonderful Life

I am sitting here at the kitchen table thinking about my life and just how good I have it. My wife isn't here - and no, that's not why my life is so good. She's out at a gas station somewhere in Michiana handing out free gas as part of GCC's 20 Days of Giving [follow along here]. It's nice to be married to someone that cares enough about her community to stand in 20 degree temps to spread a little love...

Rachel is attempting to play games on the computer. Allison trying to decide if she should help her as she walks around carefully with a baby doll she says is Carter's sister.

Tyler and Carter are pushing heavy machinery around the living room and keeping their eye on the TV to make sure I don't turn Dora the Explorer off.

The snow is gently falling outside even though you can't see it in the picture.

I have the Sunday paper in front of me and a cup of Starbucks coffee within arms reach.

It's the holiday season.

I have a great God, family and job.

I have a great roof over my head and two cars that have been working well this week :)

Like I said, It's a Wonderful Life!