Welcome to the McMullen family blog. We hope you enjoy keeping up with what is going on in our life. So if you wish read on.....
We're Hooked
The first disc came yesterday and after the kids were in bed last night we started it. I have to admit I was pretty hyped to watch it, though I don't think Daryl was all that excited. Before we knew it we had watched 3 out of the 4 episodes on the first disc and we looked at each other and then looked at the clock and thought "we can't stop now", so we proceeded to watch the last episode on the disc. We could not believe how good it was and how quickly the episodes went. It is one of the shows where you don't move while it is on and you would never dare to get up and do something. The only other show that I am that way with is 24 though I know some other wired people who do the same thing with Alias.
As we finished the first disc Daryl said to me "well we can always go to Blockbuster and start on the next disc", so I took that to mean he loved it as much as I did. We figure we will spend this winter watching Season 1 and then hopefully Season 2 will come out this summer sometime and we can be all caught up by the time Season 3 starts. So, yes it was AWESOME and we are totally hooked.
I was doing ministry stuff on my computer this afternoon (big shock to those of you that know me...) when suddenly everything seemed unusually quiet in the house. Since I was the only supervising parent in the house I decided I would have to be the one to check on the kids (I know - this isn't rocket science...) so off I went.
When to my surprise I find all three kids playing in Tyler's room peacefully and (almost) quietly. Now I'm usually at work all day, so for all I know this may be normal. But to me, this is progress! Given the age ranges, gender differences and the fact that they are siblings for crying out loud, I was just happy that they were all in the same room without blood being spilled...
If only it lasted forever...
Christmas 2005
Christmas Eve [view photoshow]
On Christmas Eve we went over to Grandma Sandy's house to see some of the extended family. Sandy, Ashley, Morgan, Shelly, significant others and a bunch of kids were there to share in the festivities. There was great snacking food and the kids loved opening the presents and getting wrapping paper all over the house.
Christmas Day [view photoshow]
For the first time we were able to spend Christmas Day (morning) at home! The kids got up around 8:00 and we lounged in PJs while opening presents. Fred (Papa) and Uncle Ryan came over at 10:00 for a yummy breakfast of egg casserole, donuts, bagels and coffee (if you like that sorta thing...)
After that we traveled to see more extended family at the Clark home (Jason & Roseanne). We saw aunts, uncles, cousins and a bunch more kids! We opened presents and ate again. The kids had a great time playing together.
From there, we traveled to our best friends home (The Callenders) where more presents were exchanged and the kids were able to play with their new toys late into the night. The adults got to hang out, spend quality time together and talk about years gone by and the new year to come.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
The BlogWorthiness Rating Scale (BWRS)
BlogWorthiness Rating Scale (BWRS)
Each rating is based on these four criteria (although not all four need to be present or significant in order to warrant the rating):
- Significance: If the post appears significant or insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
- Relevance: If the post is relevant or irrelevant to the reader.
- Impact: If the post has the power to inspire/uplift the reader or if it is damaging/harmful to the reader.
- Validity: If the post is fact, opinion or completely inaccurate.
Keep in mind, this is a work in progress...
10 Extreme: significance, relevance and potential to inspire (highly factual)
09 High: significance, relevance and potential to inspire
08 Moderate: significance, relevance and potential to inspire
07 Mild: significance, relevance and potential to inspire
06 Neutral: has no significant positive or negative qualities. There is no reason to enter the post, but no reason not to enter the post. Leans toward the positive (mostly opinion and speculative)
05 Neutral: has no significant positive or negative qualities. There is no reason to enter the post, but no reason not to enter the post. Leans toward the negative (mostly opinion and speculative)
04 Mild: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm
03 Moderate: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm
02 High: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm
01 Extreme: insignificance, irrelevance and potential to do harm (could be completely inaccurate)
File this Under "Confidential"
Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa
And So It Begins...
Bah Humbug! Just kidding - I'm really not the Grinch or Scrooge for that matter. But this time of the year means work - lots of work. I mean, you'd think it would be a time to sit back and relax - enjoy the season and ponder the true spiritual meaning behind all of it.
And we'll try to do that after the school Christmas programs (one tonight and one tomorrow night), after the Christmas Eve Service at GCC (I hear it's going to be awesome), after a late Christmas Eve, an early Christmas morning, after gifts and too much food, and a few great football games and wrapping paper and more friends and more family. And after putting gifts together (batteries not included) and pounding the morning coffee and evening hot chocolate, and cleaning up all the toys. After a Sunday and Monday of recovery and gift returning, after mistletoe (we can only pray) and gift cards, after rising at the sound of clatter to see what is the matter...
Maybe then we'll sit back and relax.
: ) Take some time to "experience" the true meaning of the season this year...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
What A Week
Monday- Pretty normal during the day then as soon as Daryl walked in the door I was out to go shopping with my dad for the kids. Got home around 9:30pm and then made some Christams cookies.
Tuesday- Worked most of the day. Had a late appointment in North Liberty, got home in just enough time to give 3 kids baths, put them to bed and them made more Christmas cookies while getting Christmas cards ready to got out. Making Christmas cookies is a tradition I started with my mom and something I am trying to continue. Granted when you had 2 people doing it it goes alot quicker. As of right now I have made 5 different kinds of cookies. I have half a batch to finish today and then I am officially done. You may ask why do you make so many? I give them away to friends and others as Christmas gifts. Then to top things off for this day, Tyler went to bed with a fever and was up every two hours during the night.
Wednesday- Tyler sick all day, which means lots of just wanting to be held. Had 5 kids for part of the day. Trying to get case notes done. Made dinner for 5 kids and then got them ready to go to Awana. I had plans to go to dinner with a friend this night, but she called and cancelled. You would think that this meant that I had lots of extra time, but before she called and cancelled I had made the decision that I would stay up as late as it took tonight to get things done. Which would have probably meant till the wee hours of the night, but instead I was in bed by 12:30am. Case notes were finished up, laundry was finished, and all but half a batch of cookies was completed. Again Tyler up every couple of hours during the night.
Thursday- Up for good at 6:00am to get ready for work. Today was spent training for a new job I start on Monday. I will be doing something totally different from what I do right now though I will still be working for First Steps and I will continue to be a Service Coordinator on a very part-time basis. I keep thinking to myself what a GREAT time to be starting a new job. After I finished training I headed to a home visit, then met with a lender to get pre-approved for a mortgage. So now we can officially start looking and we know what price range to look in. It was then to the mall to meet Beck with the kids, eat dinner and then drop Tyler off to Daryl so they can go home since Tyler is still sick and then off to church with the girls. It was nice to have some time to sit down and actually focus on God for awhile. I think I actually had some time after church to sit down and relax, though once I hit the couch I was asleep.
Friday- Tyler actually woke up today feeling better- thank you Jesus! After Rachel was done with school the kids and I headed to the mall. I still have some Christmas shopping to do and I am running out of time. The kids were great and actually got to see Santa before we left. Came home and did some work and then after dinner the whole family headed out to do a tradition we started when we got married. We headed over to Winding Brooke to look at the lights. Daryl and I both said that they did not seem to be as good this year as in previous years, but it was still fun.
This bring us today. My husband let me sleep in, oh how I love it when he does that. After some breakfast and a visit from the fire department and nipsco (see Daryl's previous post) it was time to make lunch for the kids and give baths. Now I have half a batch of cookies to finish up and then it is off to spend some time with friends tonight, I cannot wait. What a crazy week, hopefully next week will be a little less stressful, though I'm not counting on it.
One other little thing that has been swirling around in my head this week. Why do we as Christians say that we think something is wrong or at least may be wrong for us to do, which I assume means that we have had a conversation with God about it, and then we go ahead and do it anyways. It may mean that we have to sit and watch other people partake in the activity or may have to not put ourselves in a situation where we are tempted, but isn't that what we should do. God never promised us that the road would be easy, in fact I have always understood that the road we are to take as Christians is the narrow one. This is just something that has really been bothering me this week, there may be more to come on this topic once I digest it a little further.
Now it is off to finish up my Christmas cookies...
Just When You Thought it Was Safe
I don't think so...
So yes, we had the South Bend Fire Department here in our house looking at our breakfast mess and stepping over the multitude of morning toys spread throughout the house. And when they were done, they called the NIPSCO guy to make sure there were no issues related to the gas service.
When all was said and done, there was nothing wrong with the house, but they suggested we buy another carbon monoxide detector. Nobody told me these little devices have a shelf life of around 5 years...
Really makes you think. You know, when everything is going well, you feel pretty safe, then all it takes is a couple beeps from an alarm and your whole world is turned upside down. I guess it's just one of those things you have to get used to when you own a house - or live in one for that matter...
The Early Bird Gets the Shaft
Well, this morning I got up fairly easily and was enjoying the fact that I would probably have a good three hours to myself when who should come walking downstairs at the butt-crack of dawn but my youngest daughter - obviously having the same thought as me (except for the peace and quiet part).
Normally I would get all ticked (hence the title of this post) and would make her go back to bed for a couple hours. But this morning she just looked so cute (and she said, "Good morning daddy - can I stay up for a bit just me and you?") so I caved. She read herself a book and played with toys while I took pictures and blogged about the experience...
Every once and a while you need that bonding time - especially with the middle child (those with a knowledge of birth-order theory will understand).
The Simple Pleasures...
Maybe Starbucks will come up with a kids coffee someday with no caffeine and a more simple taste just to get them hooked from the birth canal...
A Night on the Big Stage
Sorry for the poor quality picture, but the lighting during these services reeks havoc on your basic digital camera. Allison is in the middle at the top and Rachel is to the left on the top row. Both are wearing white shirts.
They did a great job but were on and off the stage so fast it was hard to get good shots!
Tammy Turns _ _ !
If you're wondering, that's why there are no pictures on this post. She told me if she found any she would delete the blog and I would be in serious trouble. So I'll stick with the boring text entry and leave it at that.
We thank God for Tammy (mommy) every day. She is a keeper for sure. Happy 33! Oops - sorry Tam...
Calling all Princesses!
When we got home we threw some of our pictures and video into a photoshow. You can see it here!
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
It was so funny to watch them start walking through the yard, the snow was almost up to Allison's knees. They tried to get on the swing set, they dug for awhile trying to find the sand box, they made snow angels, and just spent time diving into the snow head first. It was lots of fun watching them play, they had constant smiles on their faces. The time it took to get them dressed and undressed probably exceeded the time actually spent outside, they got cold pretty quickly, but it was worth it. They had a ton of fun and that makes it all worth while.
XXth Winter Olympiad | Torino 2006
The mascots look a little strange if you ask me...
Sort of like two marshmallows on gumby-esque bodies. The one tooth in the middle of the mouth needs some explaining as well. Check out the video on the website to see how they came to life one day.
I do love the torch though. Technologically advanced and ergonomic in it's design. I'd love to have one just to hold while watching the Olympics...
Of course that's probably more than you wanted to know about me...
The Blog Turns 100
Isn't it amazing how time can fly when your living life at Mach 5 (that's because we have 5 in our family by the way...) And that's over 100 without posting 20 pictures (as separate posts) for one event! Most people would say, "Duh, we expected that from you Daryl you computer freak!" But Tammy has really amazed me with at least equal posting since we started. She has quickly learned the finer aspects of blogging, image cropping/optimization and even a little HTML thrown in there for good luck.
I must say this is so much easier than keeping up our family website (www.mcmullen99.com). In fact if you go there today guess where you end up? That's right, the index page redirects you right back here to our blog! Of course you don't have the flexibility in layout with a blog, but I have some ideas for the future that may make this easier...
I also wanted to thank blogger for the incredible free service they are providing to the world. Sure there are more robust blogging packages out there, but this does all I need it to and I'm amazed at how it develops a sense of community between friends and family...
God job and keep up the good work!
The Beach is Calling Me
Also, Daddy got to stay home today. Mommy has orientation for a new position at work and the kids were unable to hang out with their friends since they live at the "sicko house." Of course I can say that because it was my children that caused all of them (except Becky) to get the same thing...
It's weird sitting around the house in your pajamas all day (though I'm sure that's not what mommy does...) I'm trying to figure out what I can do in the house to be productive today. I've already made lunch, cleaned the kitchen, started the dishwasher, picked up after the kids and spent time on the computer (didn't think I'd pass that one up did you?).
The kids go down in 30 minutes - maybe I'll join them...
Real-Life Illustration #105
I was sitting home supervising 5 kids the other night when I came across Modern Marvel: Autobahn on the History Channel (and since my wife wasn't home I was able to leave it there).
It was amazing to see the history, technology and intrigue surrounding this highway project (11,980 km long in Germany (second only to the highway system in the US) and 1,638 km long in Switzerland). When I was done watching it I wanted to trade my little Honda Civic in on a Porsche 911 so I too could feel what true speed is like. The only person I know that probably comes close to this in driving experience is Jason - a friend of mine that drives a nice car and races on the side.
The other thing I noticed while watching this documentary was the sign to the left. Again, I had no idea what it stood for - though Jason might...
This sign is the one you see when leaving densely populated areas. You see in the city, they have had to impose moderate speed limits to keep some level of safety. But as you leave these areas, this is the sign you're greeted with. It stands for the following: Limits No Longer Apply. Or in other terms: Put the pedal to the metal, give it some gas, turn the horses loose, etc.
And as I watched, I couldn't help but think of the practical application for the Christian. Before Christ we are the typical American driver, stuck in traffic, limited by speed signs in life and simply commuting from one useless pursuit to the next. But when we find Christ, everything changes. We become the enthusiast - getting so much more out of the drive of life. We experience and appreciate so much more. And as we venture into this new life we pass a similar sign that says, Limits No Longer Apply.
Now I don't mean this literally. For as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. A true Christ-follower will actually apply principals of self control more stringently so as not to offend others and give their Creator a bad name. But think of it in terms of consistency, faith, hope, love, integrity purpose and meaning. Limits no longer apply in these areas. Our lives expand into infinite possibilities the moment we come in contact with the Almighty.
This might not seem like much, but to me it was another Real-Life Illustration. I'm so glad that as a Christian I get to drive in Germany...
Trimming the Hedges
Well the time has finally arrived...Tyler started to run into things because his hair was so long so we had it chopped off!
Check out the before and after shot to see what I'm talking about:
- Before: Mountain Man
- After: GQ Cover
- Before: Non-tornado resistant trailer boy
- After: Penthouse suite playboy
- Before: Bath last week
- After: I bathe daily...
- Before: Neglect
- After: Loving parents
- Before: Grunge rock band
- After: Vienna boys choir
- Before: Pepe (from the Muppets)
- After: Beaver (from Leave it to Beaver)
I think you get the picture. He looks like a little man now and he will never be the same. Thanks Debbie Mann for the cool cuts - we can't thank you enough!
Girls - please don't call after 7:30 - Tyler hates it when his handsome sleep is interrupted...